martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


I'm out on my own again
Face down in the porcelain
Feeling so high but looking so low
Party favors on the floor
Group of girls banging on the door
So many new fair-weather friends ooo

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost

Caught in the eye of a hurricane
Slowly waving goodbye like a pageant parade
So sick of this town pulling me down

My mother says
I should come back home but
Can't find the way cause the way is gone
So if I pray am I just sending words into outer space

Have you ever been so los
tKnown the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost

Is there a light
Is there a light
At the end of the roadI'm pushing everyone away
'Cause I can't feel this anymore
Can't feel this anymore

Have you ever been so lost
Known the way and still so lost
Another night waiting for someone to take me home
Have you ever been so lost
Have you ever been so LOST

2 comentarios:

lour o juli (depende el blog) dijo...

estas triste??
te sentis solo??
la mayoria del tiempo yo me siento perdida tambien... como que el camino se nubla todo el tiempo...
yo estoy, te aviso eso nomas


Rumita dijo...

quiero saber como te fue, el lunes!!!!.... =D

Pense que el domingo, me dejabas plantada x segunda vez (?) jajajaja... chiste mamor, te juro que me re alegro verte, nos vimos poquito, pero me re divertii...

No se q dice lo q pusiste, sabes q no se ingles, hoy me puse re feliz xq Melchu aprobo ingles, es mas sinteligente que yo, aunque vos sos mi traductor :O

ahhhh q lindoo fue verte y hacerte bailar cosa q no lo logro nunca, pero es lindo que lo intentes x mi (xq se q x vos no lo haces jajaja)

Te quieroooo muchooo fiufiuuu!!!